Making Big Requests
October 18
John 14:12-15
Jesus Christ issued a bold statement when He said, "If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it" (John 14:14). Since it is against the nature of our Triune God to break a promise (Titus 1:2), we know that the Lord will fulfill that pledge.
So when we make a big request and nothing happens, the problem isn't with God. Believers are called to live a righteous life. The Lord won't overlook spiritual laziness to give us what we want. He has two requirements for answering petitions:
• Approach God in complete dependence on Christ's merits. The Savior's blood paid for our right to enter the Father's holy presence. His sacrifice at Calvary took away our sins and clothed us in righteousness, which allows us to stand unashamed before the throne. We don't earn favor through works or get prayers answered because we are super-spiritual. God responds because His Son sits at His right hand, interceding for us.
• Approach God in holiness—that is, separated from all known sin. God said that He would not hear those who "regard wickedness" in their hearts (Ps. 66:18). If He were to answer prayer when we are willfully living in sin, then He would be sanctioning our transgression. Therefore, believers must turn away from their wrongdoing before making big requests.
God is always faithful. He is willing to give you what you need and to bless you richly besides. But this is no something-for-nothing offer. The Lord demands righteous living from His followers. Those who live according to God's will can trust Him for anything they ask in His Son's name.